Widgets are small pieces of functionality or content that can be added to specific areas of our site. WordPress offers a variety of widgets including category lists, links, recent comments, text areas, tag clouds, and a search box. These widgets can be added to any widget-ready area of our site.
The most common widget area is a sidebar, though many themes support a variety of other widget ready areas, including the header and footer. The widget areas will vary based on what is supported by the active theme.
To access the Widget screen, hover over the Appearance tab and choose the Widgets field. The Available Widgets page appears in the main area of the screen. The available widget areas are seen in the right sidebar. To add a widget, click-and-drag the available widget to the desired widget area.

In our sample course site, I've chosen to add several widgets:
Text to add an additional text area to the page sidebar. This can be useful to detail class information such as the meeting...