Adding a simple product
The best place to start when learning how you can add products to WooCommerce is to add a simple product. A simple product is the most basic product that you can create in WooCommerce. All other product types are based on the simple product and add extra controls.
How to do it…
In order to add a simple product to WooCommerce, take a look at the following steps:
- Go to Products | Add Product.
- Enter the name of the product in the Product name field. In the text editor right beneath the Product name field, enter the product's description. In most themes, this copy will appear beneath the product, so you could write paragraphs and paragraphs if you wish.
- Scroll down to the Product Data panel.
- Enter the product's price in the Regular Price ($) field.
- Scroll down to the Product Short Description panel and enter a short description of the product. This copy will appear above the Buy button, so it's best if it's only one or two lines. It is usually a summary...