Making your first DSC
Throughout this chapter, we're going to continue refining our DSC until we have something that resembles what you might find in production for a web server. Getting DSC installed on your servers is not something we need to do—Windows Server comes with the required DSC functionality out of the box.
DSC is broken up by configurations. By defining a configuration, we tell DSC what we want a specific part of the server to look like. A server might apply multiple configurations—one for setting the server's power policy, another one for setting its system path, and another one for installing specific roles.
DSC works by taking the configuration you've designed and compiling a file called a MOF (short for Managed Object Format) file. These MOF files contain all the information DSC needs to know about a server so that it can be applied—so, when you get to the step in these recipes about compiling a MOF file, that's what it...