Creating a new solution and project using WCF templates
We need to create a new solution for this example and add a new WCF project to this solution. This time we will use the built-in Visual Studio WCF templates for the new project.
Using the C# WCF service library template
There are a few built-in WCF service templates within Visual Studio 2010; two of them are Visual Studio WCF Service Library and Visual Studio WCF Service Application. In this section, we will use the service library template, and in the next section, we will use the service application template. Later, we will explain the differences between these two templates and choose the template that we are going to use for this chapter.
Follow these steps to create the RealNorthwind
solution and the project using the service library template:
Start Visual Studio 2010, select menu option File | New | Project…, and you will see the New Project dialog box. Do not open the
solution from the previous chapter as, from this point...