What this book covers
Chapter 1, Game Play, explores how the game is played, who should play, what you’ll need, and resources that you may find useful (in addition to this book, obviously).
Chapter 2, Spoofing, covers example spoofing threats, suggested mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background on a threat and its potential mitigations.
Chapter 3, Tampering, discusses example tampering threats, suggests mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background on a threat and its potential mitigations. (You should start to see a theme here.)
Chapter 4, Repudiation, dives into example repudiation threats, suggests mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background on a threat and its potential mitigations.
Chapter 5, Information Disclosure, examines example information disclosure threats, suggests mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background on a threat and its potential mitigations.
Chapter 6, Denial of Service, explores example privacy threats from elevation of privilege with privacy, suggests mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background on a threat and its potential mitigations.
Chapter 7, Elevation of Privilege, covers example elevations of privilege threats from the Elevation of Privilege suit, suggests mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background on a threat and its potential mitigations.
Chapter 8, Privacy, discusses example denial-of-service threats, suggests mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background on a threat and its potential mitigations.
Chapter 9, Transfer, dives into example transfer threats from the TRIM extension, suggests mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background on a threat and its potential mitigations.
Chapter 10, Retention/Removal, examines example retention/removal threats from the TRIM extension, suggests mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background for a threat and its potential mitigations.
Chapter 11, Inference, explores example inference threats from the TRIM extension, suggests mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background on a threat and its potential mitigations.
Chapter 12, Minimization, covers example minimization threats from the TRIM extension, suggests mitigations for each of those threats, as well as references, where you can get additional background on a threat and its potential mitigations.
Glossary offers a glossary of terms.
Appendix offers references for further reading.