The commands that will create a Minikube cluster are as follows:
cd k8s-specs git pull minikube start --vm-driver virtualbox
kubectl config current-context
RBAC is installed by default starting from minikube v0.26. If your version is older than that, you'll need to add --extra-config apiserver.Authorization.Mode=RBAC argument. Or, better yet, upgrade your minikube binary.
It might come in handy to have a few objects in the cluster so we'll deploy the go-demo-2 application. We'll use it to test different permutations of the authorization strategies we'll use soon.
The definition of the go-demo-2 application is the same as the one we created in the previous chapters so we'll skip the explanation and just execute kubectl create:
kubectl create \ -f auth/go-demo-2.yml \ --record --save-config