A Feature Toggle example
Here we go with our demo application. This time, we're going to build a simple and small REST service to compute on demand a concrete Nth position of Fibonacci's sequence. We will keep track of enabled/disabled features using a file. For simplicity, we will use spring-boot as our framework of choice and Thymeleaf as a template engine. This is also included in the spring-boot dependency. Find more information about spring-boot and related projects at http://projects.spring.io/spring-boot/. Also, you can visit http://www.thymeleaf.org/ to read more about the template engine.
This is how the build.gradle
file looks like:
apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'application' sourceCompatibility = 1.8 version = '1.0' mainClassName = "com.packtpublishing.tddjava.ch09.Application" repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile group: 'org.springframework.boot', name: 'spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf', version: '1.2.4.RELEASE...