- ABAP Data Flows / Creating a data flow
- access
- obtaining, to SAP HANA / Getting access to SAP HANA
- advanced features, analytic views
- about /
- restricted columns /
- calculated columns /
- user input, accepting /
- advanced features, attribute view
- client field /
- tables, joining in views /
- aggregation block
- about / The aggregation block
- aggregation block, graphical calculation view /
- analytic privilege
- about / Analytic privileges
- analytic views
- about / What we've covered
- creating /
- table, adding /
- activating /
- attribute view, adding /
- advanced features /
- adding, to scripted calculation view / Adding analytic views
- analytic views, graphical calculation view
- adding /
- anonymous function
- about / Prototyping the interface in static JavaScript
- application
- creating, XS Engine used / Creating an application using XS Engine
- application access descriptor
- creating / Creating the application access descriptor
- application access file
- about / Understanding application descriptor files
- application descriptor file
- about / Understanding application descriptor files
- creating / Creating the application descriptor file
- application privileges file
- about / Understanding application descriptor files
- attribute view
- about / What we've covered
- creating /
- advanced features /
- completing /
- adding, to analytic views /
- authorizations
- about / What we've covered
- backslash character
- about / Transforming the static JavaScript into dynamically generated code
- about / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- about / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- screen layout / Understanding the BODS main screen
- about / What we've covered
- BODS job
- about / Creating a BODS job
- creating / Creating a BODS job
- data flow, adding / Adding a data flow to a job
- running / Running a BODS job
- Business Warehouse (BW) /
- calculated columns
- about / What we've covered
- calculated attribute - DATA_TYPE /
- calculated measure - VAT_RATE /
- calculated measure - VAT_AMOUNT /
- creating /
- modifying /
- calculation expression
- about / The projection block
- calculation views
- about / What we've covered
- CE
- about / Understanding CE functions
- CE functions
- about / Understanding CE functions
- CE_COLUMN_TABLE / Understanding CE functions
- CE_PROJECTION. CE_COLUMN_TABLE / Understanding CE functions
- URL / Understanding CE functions
- about / The aggregation block
- parameters / The aggregation block
- CE_CALC function
- about / The projection block
- CE_COLUMN_TABLE function / Understanding CE functions
- CE_JOIN function / The join block
- CE_LEFT_OUTER_JOIN function / The join block
- CE_OLAP_VIEW function / Adding analytic views, The projection block, The aggregation block
- CE_PROJECTION function / Understanding CE functions
- parameters / The projection block
- CE_RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN function / The join block
- CE_UNION_ALL function
- about / The union block
- client software
- about / What we've covered
- cloud
- SAP HANA, accessing / Accessing SAP HANA in the cloud
- cloud hosting service / What we've covered
- CloudShare / Getting access to SAP HANA
- configuration options, .xsaccess file
- exposed / Configuration options in the .xsaccess file
- authentication / Configuration options in the .xsaccess file
- authorization / Configuration options in the .xsaccess file
- rewrite_rules / Configuration options in the .xsaccess file
- mime_mapping / Configuration options in the .xsaccess file
- force_ssl / Configuration options in the .xsaccess file
- enable_etags / Configuration options in the .xsaccess file
- prevent_xsrf / Configuration options in the .xsaccess file
- connection protocol
- about / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- data
- viewing,according to hierarchy / Viewing data according to a hierarchy
- analyzing, with SAP Lumira / Analyzing data with Lumira
- database access
- about / What we've covered
- database access, XS Engine
- about / XS Engine database access, Accessing the database
- database access routines
- user interface, integrating with / Integrating the user interface and the database access routines
- database driver
- about / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- database protocols, SAP HANA
- ODBC / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- JDBC / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- ODBO / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- QaaWS / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- BIWS / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- BICS / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- data compression
- about / Data compression
- in-memory technology / In-memory technology
- SAP HANA, as appliance / SAP HANA as an appliance
- data flow
- about / Understanding the BODS main screen, What we've covered
- creating / Creating a data flow
- source object, adding / Adding a source object
- target object, adding / Adding a target object
- adding, to BODS job / Adding a data flow to a job
- Data Preview feature
- about / What we've covered
- Data Preview tool
- about / Previewing the sample data
- Data Services Designer tool / Understanding the BODS main screen
- Data Services project
- creating / Creating a Data Services project, Creating a project
- BODS job, creating / Creating a BODS job
- ODBC connection, creating to SAP HANA / Creating an ODBC connection to SAP HANA from within BODS
- file format, defining / Defining a file format
- data flow, creating / Creating a data flow, Adding a target object
- data flow, adding to job / Adding a data flow to a job
- BODS job, running / Running a BODS job
- datastores
- about / Understanding the BODS main screen
- delivery unit
- creating /
- delivery unit, XS Engine application
- creating / Creating a delivery unit
- descriptor files, XS Engine application
- about / Understanding application descriptor files
- application descriptor file / Understanding application descriptor files
- application access file / Understanding application descriptor files
- application privileges file / Understanding application descriptor files
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) /
- exported data
- importing, into SAP HANA / Importing exported data into SAP HANA
- Export functionality / SAP HANA object export
- export options, SAP HANA / SAP HANA object export
- file format
- defining / Defining a file format
- formats
- about / Understanding the BODS main screen, What we've covered
- formatting concerns, SAP Lumira / Visualization options and formatting concerns
- functions
- about / Understanding the BODS main screen
- granted roles
- about / Granted roles
- graphical calculation view
- about /
- creating /
- analytic views, adding /
- projection block /
- aggregation block /
- join block /
- union block /
- output /
- results /
- HANA database
- about / Time for action – statistics about internal commercial flights in the USA from 1998 to 2011
- HANA Offline / Connecting to SAP HANA
- HANA Online / Connecting to SAP HANA
- Hello World application
- about / Hello, World!
- helper functions
- about / What we've covered
- hierarchies
- about / What we've covered
- hierarchy
- creating, in SAP HANA / Creating a hierarchy in SAP HANA
- hierarchy types, SAP HANA
- parent-child hierarchy / Parent-child hierarchies
- level hierarchy / Level hierarchies
- image resource
- adding, to XS Engine project / Adding an image resource to an XS Engine project
- Import function / Importing exported data into SAP HANA
- inner join
- about /
- input parameter
- about / What we've covered
- installation, SAP HANA client driver / Installing the SAP HANA client driver
- installation, SAP Lumira / Downloading and installing
- about / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- jobs
- about / Understanding the BODS main screen, What we've covered
- join block
- about / The join block
- inner join / The join block
- left outer join / The join block
- right outer join / The join block
- join block, graphical calculation view /
- join cardinality
- about /
- 1..1 /
- 1..n /
- n..1 /
- n..n /
- join types, SAP HANA
- about /
- inner join /
- referential join /
- left outer join /
- right outer join /
- text join /
- about / Creating the application access descriptor
- junctions
- about / What we've covered
- left outer join
- about /
- level hierarchy / Level hierarchies
- login
- enforcing, in XS Engine application / Enforcing login in an XS Engine application
- Marketplace
- about / Purchasing a SAP HANA license and appliance
- about / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- measures
- about / What we've covered
- Microsoft Excel®
- about / Microsoft Excel®
- SAP HANA client, installing for / Installing the SAP HANA client for Excel
- used, for SAP HANA connection / Connecting to SAP HANA using Excel
- Modeler perspective, SAP HANA Studio
- about / The Modeler perspective
- Menus / The Modeler perspective
- button bar / The Modeler perspective
- Navigator panel / The Modeler perspective
- Where-Used List / The Modeler perspective
- Quick Launch / The Modeler perspective
- Cheat Sheets / The Modeler perspective
- about / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA, Creating an ODBC connection to SAP HANA from within BODS
- ODBC connection
- creating, to SAP HANA / Creating an ODBC connection to SAP HANA from within BODS
- creating, in Windows / Creating an ODBC DSN in Windows
- about / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- about / Column-oriented table storage
- about / Column-oriented table storage
- package
- creating /
- package, XS Engine application
- creating / Creating a package
- package privileges
- about / Package privileges
- parameters, CE_AGGREGATION function
- data source / The aggregation block
- aggregation columns / The aggregation block
- group by column(s) / The aggregation block
- parameters, CE_CALC function
- calculation expression / The projection block
- data type / The projection block
- parameters, CE_PROJECTION function
- source / The projection block
- data fields / The projection block
- filter / The projection block
- parent-child hierarchy / Parent-child hierarchies
- Part of Roles tab / Part of roles
- PivotTable / Viewing data according to a hierarchy
- placeholders
- about / Accessing the database
- prepared statement
- about / Accessing the database
- project, XS Engine application
- creating / Creating a project
- sharing, on SAP HANA Server / Sharing your project on the SAP HANA Server
- project files, XS Engine application
- status, verifying / Checking the status of your project files
- projection block
- about / The projection block
- projection block, graphical calculation view /
- projects
- about / Understanding the BODS main screen, What we've covered
- QaaWS
- about / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- query languages, SAP HANA
- SQL / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- MDX / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- BICS / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- referential join
- about /
- regi.exe tool / Creating a repository workspace
- repository workspace, XS Engine application
- creating / Creating a repository workspace
- restricted columns
- about / What we've covered
- right outer join
- about /
- roles
- about / Roles
- creating / Creating a role
- granted roles / Granted roles
- Part of Roles tab / Part of roles
- testing / Testing our user and role
- sample data
- importing / Importing sample data
- previewing / Previewing the sample data
- about / About the sample data
- SAP Community Network (SCN)
- about / Accessing SAP HANA in the cloud
- statistics, about commercial flights example / Time for action – statistics about internal commercial flights in the USA from 1998 to 2011
- performance / Understanding the performance of SAP HANA
- as appliance / SAP HANA as an appliance
- access, obtaining / Getting access to SAP HANA
- license, purchasing / Purchasing a SAP HANA license and appliance
- appliance, purchasing / Purchasing a SAP HANA license and appliance
- studio installations / Purchasing a SAP HANA license and appliance
- accessing, in cloud / Accessing SAP HANA in the cloud
- free 30-day trial, obtaining from SAP / Getting a free 30-day trial of a SAP HANA instance from SAP
- installation, running / Running the installation
- exported data, importing into / Importing exported data into SAP HANA
- join types /
- hierarchy types / Hierarchy types in SAP HANA
- hierarchy, creating / Creating a hierarchy in SAP HANA
- database protocols / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- query languages / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- ODBC connection, creating to / Creating an ODBC connection to SAP HANA from within BODS
- architecture / What we've covered
- SAP HANA appliance
- purchasing / Purchasing a SAP HANA license and appliance
- SAP HANA client
- installing, for Microsoft Excel® / Installing the SAP HANA client for Excel
- SAP HANA client driver
- installing / Installing the SAP HANA client driver
- SAP HANA communication
- software, obtaining for / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- SAP HANA connection
- with SAP Lumira / Connecting to SAP HANA
- Excel used / Connecting to SAP HANA using Excel
- Tableau used / Connecting to SAP HANA using Tableau
- SAP HANA license
- purchasing / Purchasing a SAP HANA license and appliance
- SAP HANA object export / SAP HANA object export
- SAP HANA performance
- about / Understanding the performance of SAP HANA
- massively parallel execution / Massively parallel execution
- column-oriented table storage / Column-oriented table storage
- data compression / Data compression
- SAP HANA server
- connecting to / Connecting to the SAP HANA server
- SAP HANA Studio
- about / Welcome to the SAP HANA Studio, What we've covered
- options / Welcome to the SAP HANA Studio
- Modeler perspective / The Modeler perspective
- SAP Lumira
- about / SAP Lumira
- downloading / Downloading and installing
- installing / Downloading and installing
- SAP HANA connection / Connecting to SAP HANA
- data, analyzing / Analyzing data with Lumira
- visualization options / Visualization options and formatting concerns
- formatting concerns / Visualization options and formatting concerns
- SAP markets
- about / Time for action – statistics about internal commercial flights in the USA from 1998 to 2011
- about / Developing user interfaces using SAPUI5, Creating a user interface in SAPUI5, What we've covered, Now it's your turn
- user interface, creating / Developing user interfaces using SAPUI5, Creating a user interface in SAPUI5
- scalar variable / Understanding CE functions
- screen layout, BODS / Understanding the BODS main screen
- scripted calculation view
- creating / Creating a scripted calculation view
- analytics views, adding to / Adding analytic views
- projection block / The projection block
- aggregation block / The aggregation block
- join block / The join block
- union block / The union block
- output, defining / Defining the view's output
- results / Results
- Single sign-on (SSO) / Connecting to the SAP HANA server
- software
- obtaining, for SAP HANA communication / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- about / Getting software to talk to SAP HANA
- SQL Injection flaw
- about / Accessing the database
- SQL privilege
- about / SQL privileges
- SQL Script
- about / What we've covered
- about / Purchasing a SAP HANA license and appliance
- URL / Purchasing a SAP HANA license and appliance
- system privileges
- about / System privileges, What we've covered
- table
- adding, to analytic views /
- Tableau software
- about / Tableau software
- URL / Tableau software
- SAP HANA client driver, installing / Installing the SAP HANA client driver
- used, for SAP HANA connection / Connecting to SAP HANA using Tableau
- tables
- joining, in views /
- template table
- about / What we've covered
- test user
- about / What we've covered
- text join
- about / What we've covered
- transforms
- about / Understanding the BODS main screen
- union block
- about / The union block
- union block, graphical calculation view /
- user input, accepting
- view by copy, creating /
- view contents, filtering /
- variable, creating /
- input parameter, creating /
- calculated column, creating /
- calculated columns, modifying /
- user interface
- developing, SAPUI5 used / Developing user interfaces using SAPUI5
- creating, in SAPUI5 / Creating a user interface in SAPUI5
- prototyping, in static JavaScript / Prototyping the interface in static JavaScript
- static JavaScript, transforming into dynamically generated code / Transforming the static JavaScript into dynamically generated code
- integrating , with database access routines / Integrating the user interface and the database access routines
- information, passing from one source file to another / Passing information from one source file to another
- users
- about / Users
- defining / Users
- creating / Users
- testing / Testing our user and role
- version control system (VCS)
- about / Understanding XS Engine applications
- view by copy
- creating /
- view contents
- filtering /
- views
- tables, joining /
- visualization options, SAP Lumira / Visualization options and formatting concerns
- Windows
- ODBC DSN, creating / Creating an ODBC DSN in Windows
- work flow
- about / Understanding the BODS main screen
- .xsaccess file
- configuration options / Configuration options in the .xsaccess file
- XS Engine
- checking / Checking the XS Engine
- used, for creating application / Creating an application using XS Engine
- database, accessing / XS Engine database access, Accessing the database
- about / What we've covered
- XS Engine application
- about / Understanding XS Engine applications
- application descriptor files / Understanding application descriptor files
- calling, in browser / Calling up our XS Engine application in a browser
- copying / Copying an XS Engine application
- login, enforcing / Enforcing login in an XS Engine application
- XS Engine application creation
- delivery unit, creating / Creating a delivery unit
- package, creating / Creating a package
- project, creating / Creating a project
- project, sharing on SAP HANA Server / Sharing your project on the SAP HANA Server
- repository workspace, creating / Creating a repository workspace
- status, checking of project files / Checking the status of your project files
- XS Engine project
- image resource, adding to / Adding an image resource to an XS Engine project