Creating a simple linear regression model using XGBoost
To build our simple linear regression problem, we are going to take a look at a dataset that includes predicting weight based on height. This dataset has only one independent variable, which is height in inches, and is used to predict weight in pounds. Since there is only one independent variable, we call this the simple linear regression model.
In this section, we will upload the data, analyze it, prepare it for training the model, and then lastly, we will create the model and run prediction queries using the function created by the model.
Uploading and analyzing the data
We are going to work on a height and weight dataset in this section.
The dataset contains 25,000 synthetic records of human heights and weights of 18-year-old participants. This data was generated based on a 1993 Growth Survey, which was conducted on 25,000 children from their birth to 18 years of age. The participants were recruited from Maternal...