System integration testing (SIT) and user acceptance testing (UAT)
In IT, every development project includes a major step called SIT. This is the same as quality control testing in any other industry. SIT is the most important step to keep the development integrated, find bugs, and ensure that the requirements are met. We saw in Chapter 2, while we were reviewing the RPA team structure, how important a tester’s role is in automation. A tester’s work starts even before the first module is even completed. Based on the module design and the steps, the tester can start building their test scripts. As this is a document-intensive activity, the customer has to invest a lot of time in getting the scripts written, finalized, and approved. As this is the quality check, if anything falls through the cracks or gets missed, it will become a major defect in the UAT phase. While this can be a separate document, the same rule applies to having this embedded in one single document for...