Internet configurations
There are some obstacles to resolve before you can successfully host any kind of Internet application. The solutions are influenced by the package that your ISP provides to you, but almost every problem can be worked around.
Home packages
The most fundamental part of home packages is that you almost always have a dynamic IP address. The increasing implementation of IPv6 is meant to eliminate this problem by assigning an IPv6 address to all your devices, accessible by anyone that knows it, from anywhere in the world. Some ISPs will allow you to upgrade to a static IP, but there can still be some limitations. The problem with having a dynamic IP is that it may change without notice. So, if you try to access your network from the Internet using an IP one day, it will certainly stop working after a while. This lease time varies from ISP to ISP because some are as short as a few hours, and others can last for years. If you don't know your current Internet IP address...