Generating a heat map with customized colors
In the previous recipe, we prepared our data and created a heat map. The heat map was constructed using the default color scheme. What if we would like to plot a heat map using a softer colors? This recipe dives into plotting a heat map by customizing colors. The heat map for Iraq body count is as follows:

Getting ready
For implementing a customized color scheme in our heat map, we require the following two packages available developed for R:
How to do it…
We start the recipe by installing the necessary packages and loading the same in our active R session:
install.packges(c("pheatmap","RColorBrewer")) library(RColorBrewer) library(pheatmap)
Next, we can import the data and process the same. The steps in the following code are the same as discussed in previous recipes:
irq = read.csv("iraqbdc.csv", header = TRUE, sep =",") row.names(irq) = irq$years irq = data.matrix(irq) irq = data...