Where to get further information
If any questions arise regarding QlikView, there is a wealth of resources to refer to including the QlikView website, QlikCommunity, and the PDF QlikView reference manual.
QlikCommunity is a discussion forum for QlikView users at http://community.qlik.com/welcome. Login with your QlikView ID, the same one you used to download the QlikView Personal Edition. Here, you will be able to set up your personal profile, join groups, ask questions, read blogs, and make suggestions for improvements to the QlikView functionality. The search function in the QlikCommunity website works well. If you are just starting out, chances are that you are not the only one to have ever run into the specific issue that you are facing.

Figure 10-3: QlikCommunity interface
Development source control integration
With Qlikview 11, source control integration was introduced. This is the capability for the developers of QlikView documents to manage their work with source control...