Prezi's working space or background is called the canvas. Everything we want in the prezi must be added to the canvas.
When we switch to Present mode, we want our prezi to show the elements on the canvas in a specific order, much like setting an order for your slides in a PowerPoint presentation. We do this by creating steps. After creating steps, we make sure our steps appear in the order we want. Creating this order is referred to as creating a path. It is somewhat like setting a route for a bus, in the sense that the path is the route that your audience will follow through the material on your canvas.
This chapter tells you how to create steps, and how to create and edit a path in Prezi.
Elements that can be used as steps are anything that you can put on the canvas; texts, image, videos, symbols, shapes, grouped elements, PDFs, and so on.
In that sense, frames too are elements, and can be used as steps. However, frames play a number of different roles on the canvas...