Deploying the database packages
When you keep all your files in folders, it is very convenient to generate a script with all the filenames in a single SQL file to be installed. That way, you will always know which files to call to install the database objects.
To generate the file to install the package specifications, we use a BAT file, which looks similar to the following. We have similar files for the other database objects.
@ECHO OFF REM =================================== REM == Prepare the Command Processor == REM =================================== SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SETLOCAL SET outputfile=%0 SET outputfile=%outputfile:~0,-4%.sql set workdir=%~dp0 set currdir=%cd% cd %workdir% ECHO ------------------------------------------- > %outputfile% ECHO -- Automatically created on: %date% -- >> %outputfile% ECHO ------------------------------------------- >> %outputfile% ECHO set define off >> %outputfile% ECHO. >> %outputfile...