Moodle Performance Profiling and Monitoring
When you set up your Moodle system, you will be able to take some initial precautions to optimize the performance of your VLE. However, the real test is when Moodle is in full operation, that is, when the system is under load.
Moodle provides some basic profiling information that you turn on in Server | Debugging, where you have to enable the Performance info option. This will display information about execution time, RAM usage, number of files in use, CPU usage, and load as well as the record cache hit/miss ratio (less information will be shown on a Windows-based installation). The data will be displayed in the footer of Moodle as long as it is supported by the theme in use:

To get Moodle to display more granular profiling information and additional measures, add the following four lines to your config.php
define('MDL_PERF' , true); define('MDL_PERFDB' , true); define('MDL_PERFTOLOG' , true); define('MDL_PERFTOFOOT', true);
In addition to...