Time for action – assigning roles
Add a new course to your Moodle using the process described previously.
From the Settings block on your new course page, click on Users and then Enrolled users:
Now you can choose who to assign to what role on your course. Press either of the Enrol users buttons:
The Enrol users dialog window is displayed. In the Assign roles drop-down menu select Teacher:
You need to select the users you want to be editing teachers on your course from the list of potential teachers. If you can't immediately find your colleague from the list then try using the search box at the bottom of the dialog window:
If the member of staff you need isn't listed then they will need to have a login created (which is possible if your Moodle is relatively new or unused). That's the job of your Moodle administrator (and beyond the scope of this book).
To enroll your colleague press the Enrol button to the right of their name:
Once you have finished making your changes, click on the close button...