Creating gadgets to represent data by using Google Docs (Spreadsheets)
Gadgets are visual representations of data, a concept used by Google Docs, especially in the Spreadsheets tool. If you don't know Google Docs, this is a good time to learn something about it and the possibilities that it offers for education. Assigning students in our Moodle course tasks such as preparing a studio budget in Module 6 Spaces for Music—will require them to use a tool like this to present their plans to their colleagues in a visual way.
Google Docs ( provides a set of online Office tools that work on Web standards and recreate the typical Office suite of software applications—we can make documents, spreadsheets, presentations, or more recently, forms, meaning feedback/quiz modules.

To use Google Docs, we will need a Google account. If you don't already have one, you might consider creating one by navigating to and then clicking on the option Create an...