Chapter 15: Blockchain and Bitcoin Mining Architectures
Exercise 1
Visit the blockchain explorer at and locate the list of last blocks on that page. Click on a block number and you will be presented with a display containing the hexadecimal listing of the block header along with its SHA-256 hash. Copy both items and write a program to determine if the hash provided is the correct hash of the header. Remember to perform SHA-256 twice to compute the header hash.
The Python file
contains the block header hashing code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Answer to Ch 15 Ex 1."""
# This is a solution for Bitcoin block 711735
# See
import binascii
import hashlib
# The block header copied from
header = '00000020505424e0dc22a7fb1598d3a048a31957315f' + \
'737ec0d00b0000000000000000005f7fbc00ac45edd1f6ca7' + \...