What is WCF?
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) was introduced with the release of .NET Framework 3.0. This release of the framework was in essence the 2.0 version together with four additional components:
- Windows Presentation Foundation (UI graphical platform)
- Windows CardSpace (Identity management platform)
- Windows Workflow Foundation (Workflow platform)
- Windows Communication Foundation (Communication platform)
Existing technologies
WCF is meant to provide a unified programming model to build, configure, and deploy services on distributed networks. It combines well known technologies that have been around for some time such as .NET remoting , Web Services Enhancements (WSE), MSMQ, ASMX, and message-oriented programming.

The previous diagram is kindly provided by wcftutorial.net. If our introduction to WCF makes you curious about WCF and its technologies, this website does a great job explaining it in detail.
The ABC of WCF
An elaborate explanation of all the features that WCF has to...