Wiring up our Redux data flow
Now that we've had a look at what this data will look like, let's start writing some code. From the terminal, navigate to the root directory of RNNYT and run the following:
npm install redux react-redux redux-logger --save
We already discussed redux and react-redux at length in Chapter 5, Flux and Redux. redux-logger is a popular Redux middleware useful for observing changes to your app's Redux state tree from your browser's console. You may find it useful as you work through this chapter or future chapters.

Next, let's reorganize our files and folders to match one of the more conventional project structures seen in Redux applications. Create the following directories within your src
Each folder will house different parts of our application.
We've opted to organize our code by role. That is to say, we'll be grouping all our action creators in the actions
folder, containers in the containers
folder, and so forth...