Introduction to artificial intelligence
Before we continue with this chapter, we need to establish a few definitions. Because artificial intelligence (AI) is such a broad subject, the lines tend to blur a bit, so we need to make sure that we are all talking about the same thing.
First of all, we define AI as any algorithm with a human-like ability to solve problems. While I admit that this statement is very broad, any narrower definition would exclude valid AI strategies. What is and is not AI is more a philosophical question than a technical one. While (almost) anyone would consider a neural network to be AI, once you get to algorithms such as (Bayesian) decision trees, not everyone agrees anymore.
With that broad definition in mind, here is a list of technologies and terms we are going to cover, with a short explanation of what they are and what they can do.
Types of AI
Within the broad scope of AI, we have two major branches, machine learning (ML) and the rest....