This chapter is one of the most important ones in this book. We will now begin to dive into the nitty-gritty of pandas. We start by taking a tour of NumPy ndarrays, a data structure not in pandas but NumPy. Knowledge of NumPy ndarrays is useful as they are the building blocks on which pandas DataFrames have been built. One key benefit of NumPy arrays is that they execute what is known as vectorized operations, which are operations that require traversing/looping on a Python array and are much faster.
In this chapter, I will present the material via numerous examples using Jupyter.
The topics we will cover in this chapter include a tour of the numpy.ndarray data structure, the pandas.Series one-dimensional (1D) pandas data structure, the pandas.DataFrame two-dimensional (2D) pandas tabular data structure, and the pandas.Panel three-dimensional...