Chapter 5. Establishing Presence
Up until this point, we've been designing several discrete systems in VR for every aspect of our game, including input mechanics, gameplay scripts, and simple objects. However, we're still missing a real environment to lend a sense of presence to the experience.
Presence can't be defined as easily as a number of singular technical components. It's a combination of several things, some blatant and some subtle, that all contribute to a player's feeling of immersion in a space. This includes the visible game world, lighting, interaction between the player and the world, and a feeling of context or purpose that gives the player the feeling like they belong there. In this chapter, we'll undertake the sizable task of making our audience feel at home in our game like they are part of a world, not just part of a simulation.
This chapter will cover the following topics:
- Setting up the game environment
- Accentuating depth with...