What this book covers
Chapter 1, Ensuring Five-star Rating in the MarketPlace, explains how mobile test automation is different from traditional functional automation and what the typical challenges are that you have to overcome. This chapter provides you with a brief overview of the different techniques used for mobile automation. These techniques are elaborated in later sections of the chapter. This section explains why and how there are different techniques.
Chapter 2, Designing Mobile Automation Frameworks, explains the various types of automation frameworks with respect to mobile automation, such as functional decomposition, keyword-driven, data-driven, and hybrid, with a focus on mobile-specific differences. This has real examples of working code for various tools.
Chapter 3, User Agent – automating Mobile Applications with Browsers, provides you with the opportunity to learn the use of the user-agent technique, along with the code snippets and lab setup for this technique. We will also delve into the advantages and disadvantages of this technique.
Chapter 4, Emulators and Simulators – the Automation of Emulated Devices, explains the use of emulators and simulators for mobile test automation, along with the code snippets and lab setup for this technique. We will also delve into the advantages and disadvantages of this technique.
Chapter 5, Automating Physical Devices, showcases the techniques required to automate a mobile application with physically present real mobile devices.
Chapter 6, Automating on Cloud, provides you with the opportunity to learn the techniques required to automate a mobile application with cloud tools such as Perfecto Mobile and Mobile Labs.
Chapter 7, Optimizing Test Strategy and Estimation, deals with the selection of the most suitable strategy to focus on maximizing the return on investment for automation and the ways to avoid any potential pitfalls. We will also look at the various technical aspects that are usually overlooked and only become apparent at the end of a delivery cycle. This chapter deals with how to estimate your mobile automation effort.
Chapter 8, Delivering Customer Delight, sums up all the lessons learnt in the previous chapters and covers the test strategy planning, project effort optimization, ways to maintain the automation suite, resource identification, and the management of hardware and software.