Understanding EKS networking
Now that we understand the basic K8s network models, what a CNI is, and how VPC networking works, we can explore how EKS networking works. The VPC CNI has several configuration options; we will not cover all possible configurations in this section, only the most common ones.
EKS is a managed service, and the control plane is managed by AWS in a separate VPC. The two main networking questions you need to ask when configuring your cluster are: how do I access the API endpoint from kubectl (and other) clients? And how are my Pods accessed or access other systems? We covered public and private endpoints in Chapter 6, so for the remainder of this chapter, we will focus on Pod networking. Let’s start with a basic EKS deployment, a private cluster with two EC2 instances in a node group. The cluster has been configured to connect to two private VPC subnets; the node group is also deployed to the same two subnets.
![Figure 7.5 – EKS networking (basic)](https://static.packt-cdn.com/products/9781803231211/graphics/image/B18129_07_05.jpg)
Figure 7.5...