Time for action - uploading your profile icons
Let's get a few different profile icons online.
1. Click the Profile submenu button called Profile Icons.
2. Click Browse to find the profile icon you want to upload from your computer or USB stick (or wherever).
3. Don't forget to add an Image Title for your profile icon before you click the upload button.
4. You are allowed to upload up to five profile icons and you can delete any icon at any point. You will need to choose one of your icons as your default profile icon which should probably be a fairly sensible one. Janet Norman has already uploaded two profile icons:

What just happened?
You have just uploaded a profile icon to represent yourself in your Mahara site. As we saw in the Time for action section, Janet has uploaded two icons. One of these is an avatar of herself and the other is the company logo. She plans to use the company logo in places where she would like to appear more professional, whereas the avatar will be used more generally...