Developing a remote-controlled robot with live feed and live distance to the nearest wall
Having understood the important electronic components in this section, you will develop a remote controlled robot with live camera feed and live distance to the nearest wall. Similar to the previous chapter, in this chapter, you will develop a couple of small projects and then combine all of them to make a larger project. You can develop three small projects and then merge it to make a larger project:
- Calculating distance using an ultrasonic sensor
- Displaying a live feed from the Raspberry Pi camera module
- Developing a remote-controlled robot using the Raspberry Pi
Calculating distance using an ultrasonic sensor
Before you go ahead make sure you have all the components listed here:
- Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi power supply
- The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
- Hook up wires
- 330 Ohm resistor
- 470 Ohm resistor
If you don't get a 330 Ohm and 470 Ohm resistor, you can use five 1K Ohm resistors. You can connect three...