Refining action based on conditions
Storyline conditions provide a way for you to evaluate the content of a variable based on certain criteria such as equal to, not equal to, greater than, and less than. You can add more than one condition by creating an AND or an OR statement.
Conditions can be included on a trigger by clicking on the Show Conditions option.

Conditions can be used to restrict or control movement within a course. For example, you may want to ensure that slide 15 is complete, and the Acknowledge button is set to a value of true in order to jump to a slide that contains the course completion certificate.
Conditions can also be used to display course progress. For example, there may be an activity where the learner needs to type some comments or they need to complete an exercise before the activity, and the current section of the course is marked as completed.
Conditions become more powerful when used to evaluate variables along with object states or even other variables. For...