In this chapter, we covered many common tasks faced by a Grafana admin. First, we took a closer look at users, teams, and organizations and saw how roles can be mapped to permissions for dashboards, folders, and data sources. Then, we learned how organization admins can manage both users and teams. Finally, we examined how the Super Admin role can create new users and organizations.
Don’t worry if it’s difficult to visualize all the possibilities afforded by the Grafana permission model. It may be that, for now, you have no need to establish multiple organizations, specify permissions on specific dashboards or folders, or even assemble users into teams. However, as your site grows in complexity, you may find that access control issues present themselves, and you may want to come back to this chapter. Concepts that seem a little abstract right now may have concrete relevance in the future.
Throughout the course of this book, we’ve been using a simple...