Gaining router access
In this recipe, we will use a brute-force attack using Medusa.
These days, we are in a networked society. With networked video game systems, multiple computers in most homes, and small businesses growing at a record pace, routers have become the cornerstone of network communication. What hasn't increased is the number of experienced network administrators to secure these routers, leaving many of these routers vulnerable to attack.
Getting ready
A connection to the Internet or intranet is required to complete this recipe.
An available router is also required.
How to do it...
From the Start menu, navigate to Applications | Kali Linux | Password Attacks | Online Attacks | medusa. When Medusa launches, it loads its
file.We now run Medusa with our chosen options:
medusa –M http -h -u admin -P /usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist/fuzzdb/wordlists-user-passwd/passwds/john.txt -e ns -n 80 -F
–M http
allows us to specify our module. In this case, we have chosen the HTTP module...