Handlebars Java
The Handlebars framework is a templating library for a developing web application. In its JavaScript incantation (http://handlebarsjs.com/), you might already have heard the digital interface developers raving about it. We will use the Handlebars Java port for the rest of this chapter.
The Handlebars framework permits the developers along with designers to write semantic templates. It is based on a slightly older templating framework called Mustache (https://mustache.github.io/). Both of these refer to the masculine facial hair that can be seen if you squint your eyes and look at a curly bracket rotated by 90 degrees.
Templating frameworks drive home the separation of concerns and reduction of mixing the business logic in the rendered page view as much as possible. The Handlebars framework borrows the double curly bracket notation from Mustache. For our masculine readers, this is a deliberate play on words and an idiosyncrasy of computer programming. The Handlebars framework...