A brief overview of various sorting algorithms
There are many different sorting algorithms. As I said, there are simpler and more complex algorithms and, in many cases, more complex algorithms are the ones that run faster. In this chapter, we will implement the bubble sort and quick sort. We have already implemented the bubble sort for strings in the previous chapter, so in this case, the implementation will mainly focus on the recoding for general sortable object sorting. Implementing quick sort will involve a bit of algorithmic interest.
Be warned that this section is here to give you only a taste of algorithmic complexity. It is far from precise and I am in the vain hope that no mathematician reads this and puts a curse on me. Some of the explanations are vague. If you want to learn computer science in depth, then after reading this book, find some other books or visit online courses.
When we talk about the general sorting problem, we will think about some general set of objects that...