Introduction to Jakarta Faces
In this section, we will give a general overview of what developing web applications with Jakarta Faces entails, providing some background information necessary before digging into the nitty gritty of Jakarta Faces.
Facelets is the default Jakarta Faces view technology. Facelets are written using standard Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML), using Jakarta Faces-specific XML namespaces that provide Jakarta Faces-specific tags we can use to develop the user interface of our web applications.
Optional faces-config.xml
In most cases, configuring a Jakarta Faces application is not necessary, as it follows a convention over configuration approach.
For some specific cases, when overriding Jakarta Faces’ default error messages for example, we still need to configure Jakarta Faces via a faces-config.xml
configuration file.
Standard resource locations
Resources are artifacts a page or Jakarta Faces component needs to...