Examples of successful attacks in the news
The reason that we perform so much testing is to ensure that the organization's information systems are protected from attack. Here are some examples of publicized attacks. These attacks could have been prevented if their organizations had tested and mitigated these vulnerabilities. If this had occurred, the attacker would not have had a vulnerability to exploit.
Point of sale system attacks
The point of sale (POS) systems are cash registers. You may be thinking what is the big deal about cash registers and how can people break into my network by attacking a cash register? The reality is that modern POS systems are typically fully functioning operating systems that expose services that can be exploited by an attacker.
Vendor | Date reported | Settlement amount | URLs |
Target | December 19, 2013 | $18.5 million | http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-target-credit-settlement-20170523-story.html |
Home Depot | September 8, 2014 | $19.5 million |