As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
of observability 89-91
alerts 51, 56-59
creating 58
frequency 60
managing 60-62
setup considerations 59
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) 41
analytical skills 81
AppDynamics 107
application layer 43
APM data 44
log data, collecting 43
monitoring 43
telemetry 45
Application Performance Management (APM)
data 124
tools 107
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) 4, 43
data, benefits 44
tools 58
application teams 92
architecture forums 72
artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) 62
auto-healing 110
AWS Cloudwatch 107
bigBuys case study 129
challenges 129
problem, addressing 130, 131
problem, identifying 129
build strategy 103, 106
characteristics 104
business service...