Chapter 2. The Sametime 8.5.2 Servers—Up Close and Personal
In versions of Sametime prior to 8.5.2, it was relatively simple to install the Sametime server software. It was a single package that installed quickly, often on top of an IBM Lotus Domino server, and the Domino administrator could easily manage Sametime in addition to their other duties. But with Sametime 8.5.2, the environment has changed significantly. There are now eight different servers that make up a full Sametime 8.5.2 installation and the skills required to install and administer those servers are much more complex.
This chapter will introduce each of the Sametime servers. You will learn the purpose of each server, the operating system(s) on which each can run, how they interact with each other, and the requirements for each server type.
In this chapter, you will learn about:
Sametime Community Server
Sametime Systems Console Server
Sametime Classic Meeting Server
Sametime Meeting Server
Sametime Proxy Server
Sametime Media Manager...