In this chapter, you managed to install and use RethinkDB and Socket.IO to turn the ordinary backend API and frontend Nuxt app into real-time apps. You learned how to manipulate the JSON data by creating, reading, updating, and deleting them on the server side with RethinkDB through the RethinkDB Administration UI, and then used the RethinkDB client driver with Koa. Most importantly, you learned how to manipulate the real time feeds in RethinkDB, known as changefeeds, through the RethinkDB Administration UI as well, and then integrated them with the Socket.IO server and Koa on the server side. Furthermore, you used the Socket.IO server to emit data with custom events and the Socket.IO client to listen to the event and catch the data in real-time on the client side with the Nuxt app. Wasn't it a fun ride?
In the next chapter, we will take Nuxt further with third-party APIs, content management systems (CMS), and GraphQL. You will be introduced to WordPress API, Keystone, and...