Cluster discovery (multicast-, unicast-, or EC2-based)
This is used to discover peers to form a cluster; remember that only one of these three options can be used for each node and ideally, should be common for the cluster as a whole.
<network> <join> <multicast enabled="true"> <multicast-group></multicast-group> <multicast-port>54327</multicast-port> </multicast> <tcp-ip enabled="true"> <member></member> </tcp-ip> <aws enabled="true"> <access-key>ourApiAccessKey</access-key> <secret-key>ourApiSecretKey</secret-key> <region>eu-west-1</region> </aws> </join> </network> NetworkConfig nc = config.getNetworkConfig(); JoinConfig jc = nc.getJoin(); jc.getMulticastConfig() .setMulticastGroup("") .setMulticastPort(54327) .setEnabled(true); jc.getTcpIpConfig() ...