Symmetrical drawing with Symmetry Guides
The last type of drawing guide is the Symmetry Guide. It is used to draw perfectly symmetrical drawings along four different styles of alignment. The following screenshots show some drawings that can be drawn using this guide:
Figure 12.17: (a) Vertical symmetry (b) Horizontal symmetry (c) Radial symmetry
We will now look at the Symmetry interface.
The Symmetry interface
When Symmetry is selected, the toolbar has the interface shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 12.18: Symmetry Guide interface
These are the elements of this interface:
- Opacity: This slider controls the opacity of the guide.
- Thickness: This slider controls the thickness of the guide.
- Options: This button to the right brings up the following menu when tapped:
Figure 12.19: Symmetry Guide Options
These are the different styles of symmetry...