Me and My Best Friend Prove the 3n + 1 Problem Even Though It’s a REALLY Hard Problem
Jack Lee1, Aaron Wiener1,2, and Superman Action Figure3
1 Mrs. Parker’s 2nd grade homeroom
2 Miss Jones’ 2nd grade homeroom because he got moved from Mrs. Parker’s because we talked too much during our English lessons, even though we already know everything
3 The most powerful superhero; if anyone is going to solve the 3n + 1 problem, I think he can because he has loads of powers. Spiderman couldn’t figure it out, and he’s really smart.
The 3n + 1 problem is also called the Collatz conjecture. It’s a really, REALLY famous unsolved math problem. Some people think math can’t solve the conjecture. I think I can because I’m getting really good at math! Me and my friend Aaron will prove that the conjecture is true, even though it’s really hard. We will prove that it’s true by using proof by induction...