REST and REST-based service frameworks
Representation State Transfer (commonly known as REST) is an architectural paradigm that is based on the stateless HTTP protocol and is used for designing applications that can intercommunicate. In REST, resources are used to represent state and functionality, and these resources are in turn represented using user-friendly URLs. Note that the REST architecture style can be applied to other protocols as well. The word "stateless" implies the HTTP/HTTPS protocols. The REST architectural style is popular in the HTTP world and gives better results when used in combination with the HTTP protocol.
The key goals of REST include the following:
- Scalability
- Compatibility with other technology and platforms
- Generality of interfaces
- Discoverability; that is, interconnectivity between resources
- Components that can be deployed independently of one another
- Reduced latency
- Better security
- Extensibility
A RESTful Web API is a web API that conforms to the REST principles...