Assembly editing in Movie mode
Assembly editing is the first task for an editor after importing media. It’s the process of adding all the relevant (parts of) clips to the timeline and making sure they’re in the right order—in other words, making sure the story you’re telling is coherent. Using a blank timeline opens up a lot of creative avenues that aren’t open for Magic Movie/Storyboard mode or QuickTime Player. Although the editing task can seem quite daunting when there is just a blank timeline in front of you, the options allow you to tailor the interface to help you work faster. One key way of doing this is by utilizing keyboard shortcuts. If you use a keyboard with your mobile Apple device, there are a few shortcuts you can make use of.
Using keyboard shortcuts on iOS and iPadOS
Although iOS and iPadOS are mainly touch-based, it is possible to pair a Bluetooth keyboard with your device and use the keyboard shortcuts that are available...