Applying logic policies to your FHIR API
When you were working within the Gateway policies, you may have noticed the logic policies that were listed in the left panel under Logic. While the options are specific to conditional operation, the Throw policy is also provided for conditional error handling. Depending upon the gateway, the number of options differs. Actually, the logic policies have been simplified between the DataPower V5 Compatible Gateway and DataPower API Gateway. The If logic policy is implemented within the Switch logic policy of the DataPower API Gateway. Figure 6.22 shows that change:
Figure 6.22 – The If policy is replaced with Switch in the new API Gateway
If you are confused about how these options change within the Gateway policies, simply click on the Gateway tab and then Gateway and portal settings:
Figure 6.23 – Navigating to the Gateway tab
On the Gateway and portal settings, scroll down and...