What is DevOps?
Viktor Farcic: In your view, what's the meaning of the word "DevOps"? It's as if nobody has a clear idea of what it is, or at least everybody's idea is different. Some say it's about new tools, some claim it's a change in culture, while others associate it with a DevOps engineer role. Some even say the word DevOps doesn't exist. It goes on and on like that as if DevOps is a conspiracy meant to confuse everyone.
Jeff Sussna: For me, the meaning of "DevOps" is right there in the word itself. We have to start thinking about development and operations as part of one larger unified entity. The guiding principle I used to come to that conclusion again returns to this idea of service. The way we deliver service is digitally, and the thing about service is that the way you make it is part of what you make.
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