Chapter 11. Event Processing and BPM
In this chapter, we will explain what event processing is, why it is of interest to combine it with BPM, and how this can be achieved. Some of the topics we will cover are as follows:
- What is fast data?
- What is event processing?
- Key elements of event processing
- Different types of event processing
- Event processing versus Business Rule Management Systems (BRMS)
- Conceptual architecture for event processing
- How does event processing fit into a modern architecture?
- Event processing architectural patterns and their use cases in RYLC
Whether the business is logistics, healthcare, finance, or manufacturing, every organization has to deal with a lot of events daily. Events occurring, whether planned or unplanned, often disrupt the best designed and managed business processes, which then has an impact on the business results.
Today, event processing is often pragmatic, ad hoc, and improvised. But the proper management of events is becoming more and more important...