Going through the CNN–RNN architecture
While there are many possible applications of semi-supervised learning and a number of possible neural architectures, we will start with one of the most popular, which is an architecture that combines CNN and RNN.
Simply put, we will be starting with an image, then use the CNN to recognize the image, and then pass the output of the CNN to an RNN, which in turn generates the text:
Figure 7.2 – CNN–RNN cascaded architecture
Intuitively speaking, the model is trained to recognize the images and their sentence descriptions so that it learns about the intermodal correspondence between language and visual data. It uses a CNN and a multimodal RNN to generate descriptions of the images. As mentioned above, LSTM is used for the implementation of the RNN.
This architecture was first proposed by Andrej Karpathy and his doctoral advisor Fei-Fei Li in their 2015 Stanford paper titled Generative Text Using...