How Data Lake works?
In order to realize the benefits of a Data Lake, it is important to know how a Data Lake may be expected to work and what components architecturally may help to build a fully functional Data Lake. Before we pounce on the architectural details, let us understand the life cycle of data in the context of a Data Lake.
At a high level, the life cycle of a data lake may be summarized as shown here:

Figure 01: Data Lake life cycle
These can also be called various stages of data as it lives within the Data Lake. The data thus acquired can be processed and analyzed in various ways. The processing and data analysis could be a batch process or it could even be a near-real-time process. Both of these kinds of processing are expected to be supported by a Data Lake implementation as both of these patterns serve very specific use cases. The choice between the type of processing and analysis (batch/near-real-time) may also depend on the amount of processing or analysis to be performed...