Network mapping
Following a successful attack, attackers will try to map out the hosts in a network in order to discover the ones that contain valuable information. There are a number of tools that can be used here to identify the hosts connected in a network. One of the most commonly used is Nmap, and this section shall explain the mapping capabilities that this tool has. The tool, like many others, will list all the hosts that it detects on the network through a host discovery process. This is initiated using a command to scan an entire network subnet as shown in the following:

Figure 1: Nmap enumerating ports and discovering hosts
A scan can also be done for a certain range of IP addresses as follows:
The following is a command that can be used to scan specific ports on a target:
#nmap -p80,23,21

Figure 2: Nmap looking for open ports
With this information, the attacker can go ahead and test...