We have already become acquainted with NW.js. As you likely know, there is an alternative to it called Electron (https://electron.atom.io/). By and large, both provide comparable feature sets (http://bit.ly/28NW0iX). On the other hand, we can observe that Electron has a larger and much more active community (https://electron.atom.io/community/).
Electron is also known to be the GUI framework behind notable open source projects, such as Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/) and Atom IDE (https://atom.io/).
From a developer perspective, the first difference one faces is that Electron's entry point is a JavaScript, unlike HTML in NW.js. As we launch an Electron application, the framework runs first the specified script (main process). The script creates the application window. Electron provides API split in modules. Some of them are available only for...